Kheycee & John … their success story

“While it's true that online dating is not for everybody, let me foremostly extend my gratitude and say hurray! to for laying down an avenue for two sincere souls to find their ways to find each other, irrespective of geographical location, time differences, race and social stratum one belongs to.”

Kheycee, Philippines
True love will find its way if it is meant to be between two souls!
While it's true that online dating is not for everybody, let me foremostly extend my gratitude and say hurray! to for laying down an avenue for two sincere souls to find their ways to find each other, irrespective of geographical location, time differences, race and social stratum one belongs to.
Admittedly, i had contacted, chatted and talked to several other guys in here with the very limited time and opportunity i have to get online, none of those has truly satiated the qualifications of a partner i have been looking for. It's not that im looking for a perfect guy, it's just that i was seriously looking for a perfect match to complement my strengths and to augment my weaknesses, and to eventually share the "ups" and "downs" of life. Yes, i am that serious. I did encounter lots of guys who were apt to play lusty games with me, but none succeeded. It may sound cliche for some, but it's a reality, it is a fact. I am not here to say they are bad guys, it is their thing, it is their comfort zone, it is their niche. Respect shall prevail. Furthermore, there are those guys who seem to be true and sincere about their desire to establish a meaningful relationship. That has been the case for several months being on MLD until meet John.
We starting to talk and exchange Skype and be friends for a week's and we starting to deal to close our account here. after getting to know each other by August 28, 2016 we be officially couple ???? after talking and building happy relationship For a month's. He decide to visit me and come here.
By Last August 16,2016 Yes he visit ???? and that's the first time we meet each other. It was so happy feeling that you can't explain hehe Then by August 28, 2016 which is our anniversary day too. He propose to me at the MAX Restaurant and asking to marry him. And ofocurse I say YES ???? Finally we are engaged ???? Then he's back to US to start our fiancee visa,but hopefully by next year 2017 he come here to get me. Much earlier much better ???? and we gonna close the distance very soon. I cant wait for that time. He made a promise to me and my family to get back pretty soon for a more meaningful event of our lives. I believe and trust him so.
To those ladies who find difficulty in being matched, don't give up. There's always something in store for everyone. Love comes in the most unprecedented time. It takes you by surprise. And when it arrives, take extra care of it, nurture it, treat with much trust and respect so it could surpass obstacles and the test of times. I am not sounding to have a perfect relationship with John. But I am here for good. I chose to love this man for the remaining days of my life. I have decided to walk with him, laugh and cry with him today, tomorrow and beyond infinity.
If your in Long distance relationship John and I make sure you we have time to talk. We have able to share our favorite moments. I know it's top but it's OK long distance relationship is not meant to be easy, it's hard for a reason, that's why having sentimental things like T-shirt, bears and cards can make u feel closer to your love. I can stressed how important it is to communicate right after when wake up and before you go to bed you always want to be the have first and last message for your love. And the most important tip Always have a date to meet if your ready to commit, "make a date" I been if using online only.
I cant think a better feeling better than knowing to see the person you love. those butterflies on your heart that ancientness! save it. And when u see that smile cherish each moment. And when you together be your self don't put your best put forward show all your flaws show your bad habit get on the fight once in a while there's no such thing as perfect relationship only a strong one and the only way to grow stronger is to over come challenges like I said cherish each moment. Be your self and love really. don't hold back.
Some one was told me the good thing comes to those who wait but I believe that dream are really waiting for you and my dream is waiting Me in America and be together with the man I love.
Love is not always about being in some one, love is about discovery you will discover a new part about your self that you never knew. Love will change you but it's up to this if you let your self to change for better or for worst. I know for me I'm always ready for a new adventures and I'm not holding back!
Love know boundaries so keep your heart open and stay strong.
If you are seriously looking for a meaningful relationship, just show your real self, reveal your circumstances, be always honest. Do not pretend to be a perfect partner, as there would be none.
Hugs & kisses
Kheycee and John
Our best wishes to the lovely couple! ❤️💜💙
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