Andrew & Baby Girl … their success story

True love will find its way if it is meant to be between two souls! If there is a beautiful example of how two soulmates can meet despite of geographical location (USA and the Philippines!), time difference, culture and social status, that's Andrew and Baby Girl for sure!

Baby Girl, Philippines
True love will find its way if it is meant to be between two souls!
While it's true that online dating is not for everybody, let me foremostly extend my gratitude and say hurray! to MLBD for laying down an avenue for two sincere souls to find their ways to find each other, irrespective of geographical location, time differences, race and social stratum one belongs to.
Admittedly, i had contacted, chatted and talked to several other guys in here with the very limited time and opportunity i have to get online, none of those has truly satiated the qualifications of a partner i have been looking for. It's not that im looking for a perfect guy, it's just that i was seriously looking for a perfect match to complement my strengths and to augment my weaknesses, and to eventually share the "ups" and "downs" of life. Yes, i am that serious. I did encounter lots of guys who were apt to play lusty games with me, but none succeeded. It may sound cliche for some, but it's a reality, it is a fact. I am not here to say they are bad guys, it is their thing, it is their comfort zone, it is their niche. Respect shall prevail. Furthermore, there are those guys who seem to be true and sincere about their desire to establish a meaningful relationship with me, but after awhile knowing my circumstances in life, they give up. it's alright. It's the name of the trade. What are these circumstances i am referring to? well, many of the guys i had exchanged emails with should know this: my inability to get online as often as i should because of lack of internet access.
That has been the case for several months being on MLBD until i met ANDREW. Since day 1, he has proven himself of his love and sincerity. He did his ways for us to nurture a constant communication between us. From there, a special feeling developed and blossomed into a real relationship. After 5 weeks of being an item, he booked his flight to eventually meet me and show himself for real. He never failed, But of course,just in any type of relationship, it's not always about a bed of roses. Arguments, jealousy and mild tantrums will always surface but the sweetest thing is, a day won't pass by without our dispute being reconciled. More than those, romance prevails.
I am writing this story while seated on his lap, his arms wrapped around me and enveloped by his love and genuine happiness.
He made a promise to me and my family to get back pretty soon for a more meaningful event of our lives. I believe and trust him so.
To those ladies who find difficulty in being matched, fret not. There's always something in store for everyone. Love comes in the most unprecedented time. It takes you by surprise. And when it arrives, take extra care of it, nurture it, treat with much trust and respect so it could surpass obstacles and the test of times. I am not sounding to have a perfect relationship with Ed. But I am here for good. I chose to love this man for the remaining days of my life. I have decided to walk with him, laugh and cry with him today, tomorrow and beyond infinity.
With his utmost desire to write his message on a separate page, i am afraid he could no longer do that because his profile has long been deleted to show his sicerity to me. Now if by chance, there are other girls out there whom he had an "hour-long" engagement with, expect nothing more than that. You know what i mean.
If you are seriously looking for a meaningful relationship, just show your real self, reveal your circumstances, be always honest. Do not pretend to be a perfect partner, as there would be none.
Thank you for reading. Ohh, i still have have to pack his things up. Its his flight back to the US tomorrow. hehehe, bye.....
kisses and hugs,
Andrew &BabyGirl
Our best wishes to the lovely couple! ❤️💜💙
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