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I am a ladyboy, I have a boyfriend, now what?

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Being a ladyboy girlfriend is not easy especially when you are under Hormone Replacement Therapy. If not all, then maybe most transgender women utter these words “I have nice hair, pretty face, cute LV bags, and super gorgeous high heels and I also need a man to be with me!” So there goes searching for THE ONE. You busy preparing yourself for searching THE ONE. Tactics are all applied BUT! You never prepare yourself with what should you do next when you are at the stage of; here is the twist. The RELATIONSHIP STAGE!

What to Do

What should you do next? You are too much focused in get his attention but when he got his eyes laid on you, there goes the parasite syndrome! From my observation, I found that the biggest mistake that we transgender woman did is we forget to give our THE ONE a space to breath! If possible we want to be with him all the time. Sometimes ladies, absence makes the heart grow stronger. It is very epic true. If your in relationship is very new, wait until you have been on it for a while.

Things will change. Like myself, now I’m having this relationship with someone and he is a straight guy who really has a space to insert myself in his heart. Yet, he still does not want to declare both of us as in a relationship but more with good friends. I am very much comfortable with that since we both calling each other baby and hubby. If I’m the type of ladyboy who is pushy sure he will get fed up with this.

I just give him some time and space.He is more than anything in the world, but sometimes I am so happy to have a space from him. We get along much better when reunited. We get along very well anyway but tend to start mumbling about stupid little things inside his luxury car. So, giving personal time for ourselves are definitely healthy FOR ME.

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What not to do

Do not make it sound like he is YOUR LIFE, which he is actually not. It’s perfectly fine to feel the way you do but at the same time, you need to start doing something without him.  Being a ladyboy is not a hindrance for me to have a lot of friends who are men, from my experience, men hate woman who are too attached to them.

They would much rather be with a transgender woman who does need them to some extent but we also want our own space and to be someone that is independent. Do something productive with your time apart from him. I highly suggest to you that you get yourself into another hobby or something with your own group of friends so that your mind is not constantly on him all the time.

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Comments (4)

  • Hana Red Thea
    thank you so much for this article , I learn some things like giving my BF some time, i think I'm being possessive with my BF, I just cant help it I am so In Love with him. yesterday we had a fight and told me he need some time and space. i just dont know what to do, Im a bit worried now about him.
    • My Ladyboy Date
      Thanks for your comment :) We hope you and your boyfriend will make it up soon
  • I want a lady boy who will be possessive and controlling with me. I want to feel that she is there and owns me. I guess that I am the exception
  • Michelle Nor Ismat
    personally i agree with the points featured here. and i believe it is applicable not only in a relationship between a man and a transwoman, but any relationship as well. kudos, Apple

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