How to make a Ladyboy fall in love with you?
There are a lot of tips about dating and relationships readily available for you on the internet. However, when it comes to dating ladyboys, there seems to be a few and most of these just don’t seem right. How do you really make a ladyboy fall in love with you ?
In this guide, I’ve come up with lists of short but very helpful information in sky-rocketing your success in meeting the ladyboy love of your life. What exactly are the TRICKS in avoiding her TICKS? The RULES of ROMANCE ? The STEPS to make her SMILE ?
Qualities Needed to Meet your Ladyboy Love
I am a Ladyboy and I have a lot of ladyboy friends. I don’t know if these qualities will 100 percent work for you but based on the survey that I’ve conducted with my friends, here are the most common qualities that they are looking for in a man.
I’ve divided them into 5 sections and all of these start with the letter H just for you to remember easily. Prepare your notepads and let’s begin with the most common attribute that you MUST possess.
This sounds very superficial but yes, most of my ladyboy friends prefer handsome men. However, they have different views on what a handsome man looks like. It’s really hard to figure out what it truly means because some of them like tanned skin, some want guys with fair skin, some like hairy men, and some like them smooth.

I know that I’ve abused the word “some” but I really don’t have a comprehensive list of what each of them exactly likes. Their taste ranges
- from east Asian ;
- Arabian ;
- white ;
- black ;
- Latino ;
- ambiguous ;
- pacific islande ;
- and the list just goes on and on!
Suffice to say, if you’re universally attractive with a fit body, you have a higher chance of experiencing ladyboy love. Please don’t think that we are all shallow. We all know that the majority of men go for the looks as well.
To be honest, it’s easy to make a man look handsome. With ladyboys, society often expects us to be perfect;
- waist-to-hip ratio ;
- facial proportions ;
- makeup skills ;
- hairstyles ;
- clear skin ;
- fashion ;
- and more!
For men, just be sure to always look tidy and you’re good to go.
Most of my ladyboy friends said that they like hunters. Well, actually, they all said that they liked hunters (I tried to be nice to you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings if you’re a beta male). However, for me, I can’t agree as sometimes I, prefer shy guys.

They said that men who are confident and aren’t shy about what they feel appear to be more attractive. Ladyboys feel very feminine when they’re wooed by a man who’s assertive and is not afraid to be rejected. It’s time to prepare your weapons and hunting boots guys!
However, don’t mistake this for overconfidence and arrogance. You will never experience ladyboy love if you give off an air of narcissism. None of my friends said that they want to date cocky men and I’m pretty sure that this reflects the total ladyboy population.
I know that it’s not only ladyboys who are able to relate to this. Hygiene is very important. Smelling good from
- the breath ;
- skin ;
- armpits ;
- hair ;
- feet ;
- peen ;
- and everywhere else!

is of paramount importance! You don’t have to smell like Hermes or Chanel but as long as you smell clean and aren’t too pungent, you’re good in our book.
This does not only involve smells. It’s very important for you to learn proper grooming as well. We don’t want to go out with someone who hasn’t had a haircut for a year and wears clothes that look like they’ve been used as a doormat.
Please look put-together and don’t embarrass us. I know, I sound harsh but if I don’t tell you this now, you may be risking your future ladyboy love to get turned off by you. I’m your friend so please don’t go on a typing rampage to blast me on the comments section lol.
From my older blog posts, I have made it very clear that most ladyboys enjoy the feeling of being a damsel in distress. We grew up with a repressed womanhood and somehow, it’s not unusual to want to crave the feeling of being coveted and wanted.

Most ladyboys are looking for a knight in shining armor. Don’t be shy and give us this fantasy! This is cliched but come on, wouldn’t you be the happiest man on earth if you happen to be in a war against zombies and Lara Croft is defending you from them by using her kick-ass moves and undying sexiness?
However, this is about us and not about you. In order for you to find true ladyboy love, you have to be brave enough to fight all of the bigots who do nothing but make our lives miserable.
You may possess everything above but if you don’t have a genuine heart to offer your ladyboy love, you will never get to fully experience what it’s truly like to be genuinely loved by a ladyboy.

Woah, Amanda! I get it… REAL LOVE !
You will miss out on the amazing benefits and the perks of being our man. Trust me. As they say, high risks, high rewards. We’re not really asking for much. We just want you to love us without hesitation, conditions, and reservations. Release your inhibitions and truly dive in if you’re planning to be in a relationship with us.
Don’t just love us because we’re able to fulfill a void or a certain fragment of your life. Embrace us fully and please take us in your arms. We prefer someone with strong ones because after all, when it comes to ladyboy love, it’s always a battle.
Honest (Bonus)
I can’t believe that I’ve almost forgotten to include the most important foundation of a relationship. Before connecting to us, please be honest with your intentions. Not all ladyboys are prudes and aren’t open to a no-strings-attached kind of relationship.

If you only want to try us or have us in your life for love-making reasons, tell us up front. To be honest, if you look like Ricky Martin, I’d let you break my heart and do it over and over again lol.
Please don’t go under the guise of love only to get into our panties. That’s the most irritating bit when it comes to ladyboy dating. There are a lot of men who want to live a full life at our expense. They like to have this square and puritan kind of image in public while keeping us on the down low to fulfill their intimate fantasies.
Apart from the hypocrisy, these men are the usual ones who enjoy giving us the vision of love and disillusioning us to different things when they really only want one thing, and that’s to play with our gurltoy.
What are you looking for ?
How about you, what are you looking for in a ladyboy lover ? What are the top 5 qualities that you’re looking for ? We have a lot of ladyboy readers and by sharing your thoughts, we’re going to learn how to be able to love you better as well.
Good luck !
The ones I have had serious intentions with are self sufficient, they are tough and resilient, but like all of us, just want to be loved and cared about, and have you wake up smiling next to them in the morning or bringing a hot cup of coffee and a bit of a cuddle, not much to ask. In return you will get a resourceful and compassionate partner who will be there for you.
You can be older, you can carry a bit of blubber, but if you keep clean, be polite, carry yourself well, dress neatly and mostly, be proud to have this beautiful ladyboy walking with you hand in hand, there aren’t many who won’t think they are lucky
I agree with you 100%. We always advise our members to be straight forward with your intentions. Women appreciate it more if you are being honest about your feeling or your motive.
Great comment, thank you!
Hugs and best wishes J
My name is Darryl and 6 months ago through an unusual set of event's a ladyboy and I crossed paths and via a little bit of flirting a friendship began and grew into something bigger than both of us. She's soft, sweet and cannot imagine my life without her in it. I'm proud to have her hold my arm as we walk into shops and restaurants. Nobody reacts badly to us....in fact quite the opposite, she refers to me as her fire dragon after my Chinese horoscope. She's Thai and seems so gentle. I'm making plans for our future as I must and have involved her in them. When the time is right I will marry her. She told me only a short while ago "I can't live without you now"...that is a huge thing to admitt, I will not fail her.