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How to Uplift Your Emotions After Being Cheated on Again on a Ladyboy Dating Site

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz

Online ladyboy dating can be tough but for most people, it’s the only option. Because of the biggest factor, distance, a lot of people involved in an online relationship get tempted to satiate their carnal desires by sleeping around.

Some, may even be with multiple partners be they online or offline. Again, the reason why it’s rampant is apart from some people were just born selfish, and because, ding ding ding, yes, distance. Today is the perfect time to move on and you can jumpstart that if you keep reading.

Cleanse and Cry

Crying doesn’t only physically cleanse, it’s also a way to wash away negative emotions. So go ahead, don’t bottle up your emotions. If you have to release it with friends, or if you don’t feel like doing that and you just wanna do it on the kitchen floor, cry.

A person wrapped in a red blanket sits on the floor, holding a tissue to their face, appearing emotional.
Taking a moment to let it all out.

One day, you will have no more tears left and all you’ll want to do is move on.

Reminisce but Acknowledge

For sure, you didn’t only share bad experiences with the person who cheated on you. Reminisce all the good times but don’t get stuck in that rut. What you should be doing is recalling all the good memories and acknowledging the fact that those are parts of your past.

The things that happened to your life were made possible because they had to. It’s part of your growth and you can still create many wonderful memories in the future.

Look at the Lessons Learned

When something bad happens to you, use it as an opportunity to learn. Moreover, assess your past relationship and maybe, you had a fair share of mistakes as well. Not to justify the cheating of the other person but there may be things where you’ve missed the mark.

A close-up of a woman resting her chin on her clasped hands, gazing thoughtfully into the distance.
A moment of introspection, looking forward with hope.

Once you have this mindset, your future relationships will have an easier time prospering. You’ll be in a smooth-sailing love boat with your soulmate in no time.

Admire Your Good Qualities

In addition to learning lessons, you must also admire your good qualities. Again, assess the past relationship and recall moments or decisions that you took part in that are telling of how good a partner you are.

Try to do more of it with your next partner. Some of these may be how you express your love, how understanding you are, how you make your partner feel secure, etc.

Work on Your Bad Qualities

Whoever claims to be a perfect human being is delusional, so if you do, this guide isn’t for you. Now, you have a set of bad qualities and you have to acknowledge that. Remember the bad things you’ve done in your past relationship, including the severity and frequency.

A woman stands in front of a reflective surface, creating a double image effect as she looks at herself in deep thought.
Facing yourself can be the hardest part of the journey.

For example, were you otherworldly demanding? Did you only care about your welfare? Were you pushing your partner to do things that they’re not comfortable doing? Were there times when you shut the other person down when they want to express how they feel?

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Pursue a Goal

Now that you have more time for yourself, you have no more excuses not to pursue your goals. You’ll have a much easier time finding your dream partner and maintaining them in your life if you are complete. 

If you depend on another soul to make your dreams come true, they’re not going to see you as their equal. They will treat you like a project or some sort of stray kitten that they picked up from the street.

Do your best to achieve your dream life and then start looking for a serious relationship. This is one of the top ways in attracting people who will respect you more and treat you the way you want to be treated.

Spoil Yourself

If you don’t do this, don’t expect your partner to do it for you as well. This doesn’t mean that you have to go into a pile of debt. For example, if you want someone to love you unconditionally, you have to start doing the same for yourself.

A woman in a red sweater thoughtfully looking through clothes on a rack in a store.
Finding the perfect piece to express your style.

Self-confidence is the sexiest thing that one can wear so if you keep on thinking of yourself like you’re some charity case or that you don’t deserve to be loved, your partners will be compelled to do the same.

There are many daily affirmations that you can do and there are plenty of activities that you can partake in. Part of self-love is self-care. Meditate, eat healthy food, exercise, and be your best version.

Love Yourself

In connection with spoiling yourself and expounding on loving yourself unconditionally, you must never doubt yourself, EVER. From time to time, you will still make a lot of mistakes, but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go on improving yourself.

Every day is another step toward the new you. Don’t let yourself, anyone, and any situation make you feel like you’re back to zero. Avoid being self-destructive and give yourself more credit from here forward.

Apply The Lessons

Now that you have the list of the basics, it’s time to apply them. On your next relationship or even as early as when you’re dating someone, remember all of the key things above. Be very upfront and let the other person get a preview of how much you love yourself.

A woman wearing a floral blouse and glasses, thinking deeply as she sits near a window with plants nearby.
Taking a pause to think deeply and apply new insights.

Let them know that you’re not just some random perv from the internet who’s looking to use people for your own gain.

Don’t Settle For Anything Less

If you have been cheated on multiple times, it’s not by chance anymore. It’s a pattern. This means that you’re settling for less. Before getting into a serious relationship with someone, you must be very clear with your hard lines.

You must also never settle for a relationship just because it was presented to you on one of your desperate and lonely nights. Only connect with people who gained your genuine interest and who will respect you for who you are right off the bat.

Be Yourself

Lastly, the most important thing that you should do when you’re on a ladyboy dating site is to be yourself. Don’t cultivate a fake life because the other person will discover it sooner than you may know. And because of this, they’re just going to toy with you and think you’re not serious.

Woman smiling softly while looking at the camera, wearing a hat and basking in the sunlight with greenery in the background.
Embracing the sunlight and the beauty of just being yourself.

The greatest mistake that you’ll ever make in this life is not living it according to the way you want it to be. There are billions of souls around the world, it’s mathematically impossible that nobody will fancy you just the way you are.

Did you enjoy reading this guide? If so, it’s time to get back in the game. Once you’ve moved on, create a My Ladyboy Date Account. It’s the first decent dating website created for ladyboys and the men who love them. You will not have a hard time finding your match!

Posted in Love & relationships
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About the author

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
Amanda Valentine has been a writer for My Ladyboy Date for over 10 years. She writes various topics on trans dating and other trans-related content. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman have given her a unique point of view on trans topics. She has written 5 books on trans women’s relationships and has made it on Amazon’s best-seller list. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” reached #3 on the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. Her love for writing started when she won a poetry contest in 4th grade which made her pursue a career in literature.

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