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Are you just an Online Ladyboy Girlfriend

Ladies, if you’ve been on a quest for love for quite a while now and you haven’t met anyone in person yet, you may be navigating through My Ladyboy Date successfully.

Don’t blame yourself because it’s not your fault. Some of us are too passionate and diving into uncharted waters can’t be helped; most especially if the desire for a romantic partner is uncontrollable.

Today, you’re going to get tips on how to tell if you’re just an Online Ladyboy Girlfriend. Remember everything that’s written here so the next time you try to get to know potential partners, your time won’t be wasted.

Let’s hop on to these actionable steps by starting with the first thing that you must do!

1. Know his ladyboy dating experience

Finding information on whether he’s dated a ladyboy from outside of his country will let you know that he’s really serious about having a ladyboy partner. If he hasn’t dated someone like you before, there are chances that he may reconsider and drop you like a hot potato.

Cyril and Maki

But remember, don’t ask this in an interrogating manner or like you’re part of an espionage ploy. Try to slide these innocently in conversations most especially if he opens up about the topic of exes.

2. What’s his travel history?

If you don’t want to be another desperate cyber girlfriend, knowing if he has traveled to meet a person before is very important. Most especially if you live in Southeast Asia.

Many ladyboys don’t have a lot of opportunities to do overseas travels. It’s imperative to know if you’re dating someone who has the capability of building a life with you.

Yes, when it comes to true love, money shouldn’t be an issue. But you have to be realistic here, if you can’t meet him, what’s the point of it all?

3. Is he capable of meeting up more than once?

Look, it’s cool if you’ve already met once. But if you’re planning on marriage, he must be able to do this more than once. If you’re going to apply for a fiance visa, the government must properly discern if the two of you are really dating and without those photos in different timelines, it’s going to be hard for you to get married to this person.

a nice couple walking

Again, money really plays a huge role in overseas relationships. Now, if he’s planning to move into your country, consider yourself very lucky.

4. Do you talk about the future?

In connection with marriage, one of the most coveted scenarios would be you, marrying them. But if that’s not the endgame you want for yourself, it’s cool. However, if you’re looking to share a long life, talks of the future must be present.

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5. Does he respect your boundaries?

Boundaries are vast. One of the most common boundaries in a ladyboy-oriented relationship is intimacy. If he’s not respecting what you’re comfortable with the talks of the sheets, he’s probably not scared to lose you.

a nice couple

If you’ve made it abundantly clear that you don’t want to do some of the things that he’s into but he’s still forcing you to do them, you’re probably just a cyber girlfriend that he’s not afraid to lose.

6. Is he serious about maintaining communication?

Does he disappear for days and give you unbelievable excuses? If so, you’re probably not in his priorities and he’s not as adamant as you are about moving forward.

You can’t invest in someone who can’t provide you the most important thing in a long-distance relationship… time.

If it’s a real relationship, there are no other currencies that can prove his devotion to you. A man who’s in love with you will keep his lines of communication open because he’s concerned about your welfare.

If he let days go by without talking to you, that’s scary. Just imagine a future of him continuously neglecting you and treating you like a doormat.

7. Does he have an actual plan?

Lady, one of the most telling on whether or not you’re just an online girlfriend is if he’s actually formulating a plan to have you in his arms. Concrete plans like saving up, researching hotels, looking for the best dates, thinking of when he’ll file for work leave, and more.

8. Did he introduce you to anyone in his life?

A lot of men who date ladyboys are very discreet. Some, to the point of not letting anyone know about their ladyboy partner. But those men are usually don’t have plans on getting married to a ladyboy. Hence, they don’t have a mindset for the long term.

two nice couple

If he’s not introducing you to anyone in his life, you’re probably just an online ladyboy girlfriend. As sad as it may sound, you might have to start getting back in the game again and look for a better option.

9. Do you know certain details about him?

Not that you have to know everything about him but there is certain information that he should be sharing with you if he truly considers you to be his partner.

What are these to be exact?

  • His home address
  • Where he works
  • His other contact details
  • The marital status
  • Does he have children and more

A guy who will not give you some of the samples above is probably living his alter world vicariously through you. Don’t agree to be a fragment of his fantasy. If he’s not comfortable in sharing these details about him, he doesn’t trust you.

And without trust, he’s surely not thinking about you as a real romantic partner.

10.   Did he ever send you anything on special occasions?

Not that gifting is the only way to share one’s devotion but if you’re in a long-distance relationship, gifting is the closest language of love to touch. You see, bodies, like objects, are tangible.

A woman holding flowers

They give a tactile reminder of reality. If he hasn’t done this after many months of being your “boyfriend”, it’s probably a sham.

Thanks for reading this guide. Take whatever resonates with you and remember, this is only a guide, take it with a grain of salt. Your future is in your hands. As long as you have clear boundaries and you’re not letting anyone destroy your core, you’re good!

Posted in Love & relationships
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About the author

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
Amanda Valentine has been a writer for My Ladyboy Date for over 10 years. She writes various topics on trans dating and other trans-related content. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman have given her a unique point of view on trans topics. She has written 5 books on trans women’s relationships and has made it on Amazon’s best-seller list. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” reached #3 on the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. Her love for writing started when she won a poetry contest in 4th grade which made her pursue a career in literature.

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