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Settling down with a non-generous man as a ladyboy. Is it possible?

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz

Now now, before you think that this will be a guide for gold diggers, put your judgment hammers down. Finances are very important, most especially when it comes to unions.

Two people can’t simply start a life together without ample preparedness and fiscal planning. But the sad reality is that most ladyboys have dignity, opportunity, and equality stolen by puritan societies that a lot of them can only end up with someone who’s financially stable.

Added to that, many ladyboys are quite family-oriented and it’s in their goals to lift their families out of poverty. But settling down with someone who’s not willing to help, even if the love is strong, will prove to be a conundrum.

Can your stingy boyfriend be your Mister Right?

1. Non-generous or Lack of Funds

    The juxtaposition between a non-generous man and a poor man is quite obvious. Even if they’re both incapable of giving away money, the difference will be in their savings account and disposable income.

    If a person is non-generous, no matter how rich they are, they will never spend their money for your motives. They’ll only spend it according to how they will feel by doing so. Meaning to say, it’s going to be a long life of dealing with someone who’s greedy and borderline selfish.

    Person extending a folded stack of US dollars, seen from a high-angle perspective.
    A cash transaction in progress. –

    Now, if a person is simply poor but gives everything he has to make you happy, that’s someone who’s just dealing with a lack of funds. It may be very well temporary or he’s just irresponsible with his finances but you’re the only one who can really tell if this person has potential.

    Suffice to say, if he just lacks funds but he has the drive, it’s okay to settle down with him. However, if he’s already withdrawing (pun intended) from you when it comes to a little bit of spending while you’re not yet married, he’s going to have his hands closed more by the time you’ve finished saying your “I do’s”.

    2. Is he hardworking?

      What does this have to do with generosity? Well, people who work very hard for their money are the ones who usually have a hard time spending it. If you know how much effort he makes, it’s probably just because he doesn’t think that spending money the way you expect it to be spent is reasonable.

      You see, if you’re asking for the world, a hardworking man is not for you. He’s more conservative when it comes to money. If you want to fulfill your capricious desires, you should go for a trust fund boy instead.

      Now, if he spends on important matters and treats you from time to time, you should consider settling down with him. Because he’s hardworking, he’s bound to have more disposable income, and that could be stretched further to making your dreams come true.

      3. Do you have a job?

        If you live in a place where it’s hard to get a job because of discrimination, you should take this opportunity to settle down with your partner. If it’s legal for him to petition a ladyboy fiancé, he’s probably living in a progressive nation where career opportunities abound.

        Woman in a blue sleeveless dress sitting at a café counter, working on a laptop with a coffee beside her.
        A productive moment in a cozy café. –

        Now, if you have a job and obviously, don’t find it financially rewarding because you’re reading this article, you have nothing to lose by settling down with him. You’ll be marrying him to be together and not to find your dream job. There are plenty of ways to make money. Throw your apprehensions out the window and start a new life with him.

        4. Does he have ambitions?

          Sadly, hard work is not enough. One must have the flaming desire to achieve more than the average Joe. Generosity almost always comes with ambition. People who are successful often know how to network. And this networking skill is paired with knowing which hand to extend to be gratified with something better.

          But then again, there’s no success when there’s no hard work. If you both see ambition and perseverance in your partner, you’ll be very happy with him. But if it’s all ambition and he doesn’t walk the talk, this relationship may not prosper in the future.

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          5. Are you reasonable or plain materialistic?

            Because we’ve mentioned that this guide was not created for gold diggers on the premise section, we’re here to ask you again… are you reasonable or just plain materialistic?

            If money is the only goal as to why you’re settling down with someone, why are you even reading this guide? Get yourself an old and lonely man who’s okay with a sugar baby and a sugar daddy setup.

            However, if it’s love and security you’re after, keep reading. We’ve just included this part to save you some time if cold hard cash is only what you’re after.

            6. Is he stingy or just conservative?

              Obviously, love’s already involved because you’re at the stage of thinking about whether to settle down with him or not. So to clarify it for you, we will just give you two examples so you can easily make a decision on whether he’s the right fit for you or not.

              Bearded man in business attire checking his phone by a large window.
              Focused on the screen. –

              A Stingy man is someone who when he gets a promotion, bonus, or some sort of windfall wealth, will not slice the reward pie to celebrate even a little. To him, there’s no justifying any type of spending. He will even skip birthdays, anniversaries, and more.

              A Conservative man, however, would know the importance of living a little. But he’s not going to buy you Van Cleef and Arpel diamond jewelry, an Hermes bag, or a Loro Piana dress on whim. But, he’s going to give you something special at least once every year to let you know that he loves you.

              If he’s the first one, there’s no hope for him anymore. Run away!

              7. His plans for the future

                But wait, there’s more. Don’t count your stingy boyfriend off just yet. Did he share with you his plans for the future? Does the plan justify why he’s being extremely cheap in the present?

                If so, he’s probably a hardworking and conservative man in the guise of being stingy. In this case, you have nothing to worry about because he seems to be on the right track.

                8. Are you happy?

                  Well, we’ve reserved the most important questions for the latter parts because after all, even if it seems like you’re someone who’s really concerned about money, you’re still reading this because deep within your heart, you want to marry your partner and what’s keeping you from progressing 100% is this one quality about him, being non-generous.

                  Black and white profile portrait of a woman with long hair, gazing into the distance.
                  A striking black and white portrait. –

                  Apart from this crucial quality, are you happy? If you’ve answered yes, nothing should stop you from settling down with him. You see, they say that love causes a lot of problems. But on the contrary, when REAL LOVE is present, all the problems will have solutions because both of you will do everything for the relationship to work out.

                  Remember, there’s no price to happiness. If it’s money that you desire, there are thousands of ways to make it. But to find a man who will ask you to share a lifetime is RARE.

                  9. What’s your dream life?

                    Lastly, ask yourself, what’s your dream life? Please know that you shouldn’t involve other people in this assessment. Imagine what you want to happen ten years from now and enlist all factors using bullet points.

                    Once you’re done, look at those points and you’ll see that you dream life may only be realized by YOURSELF. It is not other people’s job to complete you. This is why most successful relationships started with two people, who have already achieved many of their goals and considerably have what many may call a “full life”.

                    The only way for you not to settle for the sake of settling is to work on yourself first. Only after then will you be able to unlock a pool of “deserving” options. Still single and ready for a new adventure? Why don’t you signup on My Ladyboy Date today?

                    It’s the first decent dating website made for trans women and the men who love them!

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                    About the author

                    Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
                    Amanda Valentine has been a writer for My Ladyboy Date for over 10 years. She writes various topics on trans dating and other trans-related content. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman have given her a unique point of view on trans topics. She has written 5 books on trans women’s relationships and has made it on Amazon’s best-seller list. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” reached #3 on the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. Her love for writing started when she won a poetry contest in 4th grade which made her pursue a career in literature.

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