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9 Common Factors Blocking your Romantic Success

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz

Let’s face it, not because you’re highly attractive means that you have the world in your hands. Some people find romantic success because they possess what most deem to work. But because they know how to use the tools that they were provided with.

If you think you’re doing enough yet you still don’t use the “We” pronoun, maybe you’ve missed the mark. Today, we’re going to discuss the most common factors that are blocking your success. Like everything you read on the internet, take this with a grain of salt.

1. Laziness

You say you want love but you only log in on My Ladyboy Date once a week. And whenever you do, you barely reply to the hopeful people in your inbox. Newsflash, you’re not Cinderella and life is not a Disney film. Your soulmate won’t be handed on a platter to you by your fairy godmother.

A pair of crossed legs in light gray pajamas resting on white bedding.
A moment of calm and relaxation. –

If love’s easy to find, memes about singlehood will not go viral. It’s not that hard to log in every day and reply to people you find interesting. Don’t put yourself on a pedestal and think that they won’t get frustrated by your flakiness. There are so many options on My Ladyboy Date. THEY WILL MOVE ON!

2. Unrealistic Standards

You might have been complimented several times about your looks or your status in life. These words have impacted you so much to the point of inflating your ego to the size of a hot air balloon.

Because your head is in the air, you think that the only person who deserves your love is someone who probably doesn’t exist. And if they do, they’re probably more delusional than you and won’t give you the time of day.

Keep your feet on the ground and remember that in this world, perfection doesn’t exist. Not to say that you have to date over-the-hill losers but you get the gist.

3. Sticking to your Ideals

In connection with unrealistic standards, some are more precise with theirs. For example, some will only date a person who’s above 6ft 2in with blonde hair and blue eyes. Added to that, they must drive a Lambo and make millions of dollars annually.

A handwritten checklist in a notebook, with "Yes" checked and "No" crossed out, and a hand holding a marker.
Checking off the right choice. –

And for some men, a waistline above 24 is non-negotiable. God forbid that a ladyboy has a 25-inch waistline! What an abomination! Added to that, she must be EXTREMELY PASSABLE while being hung as a horse.

Guys, adult films and romantic flicks were meant to entertain and not to distort reality.

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4. Not drawing boundaries

So many people in online dating have become desperate to the point of losing boundaries. It’s like they’ve mastered the art of being yes-men and forgetting all the red flags.

Love can make people do stupid things and some chose to live by that idiom. However, we’re all humans with boiling points. If cheating is non-negotiable, let the other person know and by that we mean, punishment.

Should they do it over and over again, don’t put up with that mess. Learn to respect yourself and create lines that no one should cross right off the bat. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re out of their league. No means no!

5. Always on the giving end

As human beings, we’re prone to boredom. If someone feels like everything is handed to them on a silver platter and they do not need to make an effort anymore, they will feel like the relationship is robotic.

Hands holding a small gift box with a white ribbon, set against a soft, patterned background.
A small gift with big meaning. –

For a relationship to work, it must have a form of HUMAN TOUCH. What this means is that both people must be compelled to put out efforts because they’re dealing with a human being and not with someone who’s just going to take whatever they’re dishing out.

STOP putting out all the effort especially if the other person is not doing their part. Gifts, time, actions, etc., should be offered by both parties.

6. Being Wishy-washy

Added to not drawing boundaries, no one is turned on by someone malleable. Do you always agree with the other person even if deep inside, you don’t? This means that you don’t have integrity and you’re not showing your genuine self.

People are more attracted to authentic people who are not afraid to show their strengths and weaknesses. They’re not on a dating site to look for a virtual assistant.

It is not your job to be at their beck and call. Your job is to find someone who will love you for who you truly are. Pretentious will never help you in your quest of finding true love. All you’ll get are people who will fall for the idea of who you are and not with who you truly are deep inside.

Sure, you can live a life of lies. But can you keep up with these forever? Won’t it be nice to go home without worrying about what your partner will discover next about you? 

7. Not opening-up

A lot of single people are afraid to open up because they don’t want to compromise the connection with their potential partners. This caution turns them into someone who’s so mysterious to the point of withdrawing from every topic or question.

A person hiding their face with their hands in a coffee shop, a drink and a water bottle on the table.
Hiding emotions in a busy coffee shop. –

You don’t have to share an autobiography to give the other person a preview of who you are. But at the very least, give them something that they’ll be able to relate to.

Every single person in this world is looking for warmth. They’re not going to have that feeling with someone who refuses to open up. Relationships require a lot of emotional intelligence. Polish that and you’ll have better chances in the future.

8. Lying about what you DON’T like

No matter how hard you try, the truth will always come out. If you don’t like a certain type of cuisine or you’re not amenable to dealing with certain behaviors, BE HONEST.

Don’t pretend like you’re okay with a chaotic partner if you’re extra pedantic. If they leave the door open while you’re doing business, don’t zip it. Tell them that you’re uncomfortable with that.

Yes, they might find you sensitive just because you have common sense, but lying will only cause more problems in the future. These little things should remain little and not become causes of outbursts in the future.

However, no one’s into naggers as well so be reasonable with your requests. If there are things that you can live with that don’t trigger your peace of mind, learn to adjust.

9. Wasting time on Timewasters

Lastly, some of you are spending too much time on timewasters. Others are worse, even if they know that they’re chatting with a poser, they’ll still continue the relationship because “Looks shouldn’t be the basis of love”.

While that is true, it also doesn’t make sense to cultivate a relationship that’s lying and using another person’s photo. If the relationship is built upon the foundation of lies, IT WILL NEVER WORK.

An hourglass in a rectangular frame, placed against a blue background with shadowed branches.
A timeless reminder of fleeting moments. –

Just imagine how elastic this person’s authenticity in the future will be if they can’t upload a single photo of themselves. First, it’s the picture, next it’s their civil status, and worse, is that they’re in a romantic relationship with a lot more people.

Did you find this guide helpful? Apply them on your journey of finding love on My Ladyboy Date today and don’t forget to share this with your single friends. Best of luck!

Posted in Love & relationships
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About the author

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
Amanda Valentine has been a writer for My Ladyboy Date for over 10 years. She writes various topics on trans dating and other trans-related content. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman have given her a unique point of view on trans topics. She has written 5 books on trans women’s relationships and has made it on Amazon’s best-seller list. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” reached #3 on the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. Her love for writing started when she won a poetry contest in 4th grade which made her pursue a career in literature.

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