When to Escape an Obsessive Online Date
Some of you who may have been single for a very long time might find an obsessive person appealing. This may be because you badly want to be with someone who’s really into you. However, it’s better to be single than to be with someone who has an obsession.
Often, obsession is associated with many negative connotations. Some are trivial and others are fatal. It’s best to avoid it altogether because most likely, nothing good will come out of it.
Now, if you’re dealing with somebody who you feel is starting to cultivate an obsession with you, you have to know how to deal with them. Some might be just false alarms so here are the most telling signs that they’re indeed obsessed.
1. Messages every minute
Not in a literal sense because it’s physically impossible but if they can’t stop messaging you, no matter if the messages are in the nature of flattery and positivity, if they don’t know how to stop, they’re obsessed!

You see, it’s not so much the context of what they write. It’s the severity of them doing it. If most of their day is spent thinking and writing about you, they clearly have an obsession. Messages are only the premise of what’s to come so be very afraid!
2. A whirlwind of daily online activities
Apart from daily video calls, they’re going to demand more. Some activities are tasking while some can be done while doing other things. These can be in the form of gaming, eating, working, showering, bathing, preparing to go out, etc.
However, the level of energy doesn’t really count as something to justify this behavior. If they keep on insisting to do so many things together online, they’re obsessed. It’s not so much that they’re just being fun, it’s more of they want to keep a close watch on you.
3. Insisting on sleeping together while the cam is on
Can you imagine trying to sleep while the other person sleeps right before you and starts snoring online? Then you’d have to mute them because you can’t take it anymore and you start wondering why you even agreed to do it in the first place.

Yep, the only reason why you did was that you’re desperate. No amount of good looks, pedigree, and goodwill should warrant this childish requirement. They’re probably not only obsessed but they’re the type who’s a level-100 clinger. Stop being immature and find the exit door!
4. Asking for your EXACT LOCATION
Unless you’re asking to be rescued or you’re going to meet this person, why would they need your exact location? It doesn’t make sense. Even your parents and the CIA aren’t this blatant in taking your privacy. This person is obsessed and they want to be privy because they want to make sure that you’re not meeting someone else.
They’re probably traumatized from their ex cheating or they’re doing the same so they’re projecting on you. This is non-negotiable. With the large pool of eligible single people online in My Ladyboy Date, why bother continuing this relationship?
5. Wanting you to turn your cam on to PROVE something
In connection with the trust issue on number 4, this is also the type of person you should avoid. Yes, in the beginning, it may seem funny and cute but this type of behavior is a future of many scenarios such as:
- If you’re really at home, go inside the kitchen and bark like a dog
- If there’s really no one around you, give me a whole house tour
- Are you really at work? Have your colleague record a video with you on your desk and say my name
6. Imposing to mark every single day of the calendar
Isn’t it sad that just to feel loved, one must resort to marking every day of the calendar as “something special”? First Monday together, First Tuesday together, monthsary, etc., when will it ever stop?

Apart from desperation, a person like this is probably immature and not everyone will be able to stand this type of overbearing behavior. Sure, you might find this act sweet but the novelty will run out.
Say goodbye to Lazy Sundays and staying-in on weekends because every single ducking week is an occasion! If you don’t want a life like this, you know where to find the door!
7. Forcing to meet your family and friends
Your timeline of introducing a partner to people who are important to you must only be defined by you. By no means should anybody else push you to do it even if you love them. You’re the only one who can tell if your folks are ready to meet your partner and rushing things may result in a myriad of negative things.
Now, this is understandable if you’ve been together already for years but if the relationship is pretty new, this person is obsessed. They don’t only want to meet your family but they also want to keep a close eye on you. Be careful because you don’t know what this person is capable of.
Your family and friends might get dragged to something violent and fatal should you agree to do it so soon.
8. The constant bringing up of your exes
Sure, this may be a little cute because they’re showing signs of jealousy but it’s not anymore when it happens on a daily basis! Worse, if it happens multiple times in a day. What has your ex got to do with the current relationship you’re in? Why do they keep bringing up your past?

Well, this is only answerable for two reasons, they’re obsessed with you and they’re afraid that your ex might take you away from them. No matter how many times you tell them that getting back with your ex won’t happen, they will still keep playing the same song in their head.
9. Comparing themselves to your exes
Apart from having a chip on their shoulders, this mini obsessive trait may cascade and eventually explode. They will start by comparing themselves to your ex and wanting reassurance from you that they’re better, only to evolve into being a comparison between them and random people.
Silence and peace of mind won’t be present if you’re with a person like this. It will be a constant battle and you’re never going to win. As early as today, find the exit door because nothing good will come out of this relationship.
10. Always calling, no warning, and no boundaries!
Are you dealing with someone who likes to test the batteries of your cellphone? Absolutely appalling and why are you putting up with this behavior? A person who does this doesn’t know the meaning of respect. Not only are they disrespecting you but they’re also disrespecting the people around you.

Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who’s as impulsive as this? Sure, most of the time, calling without a warning is harmless, but what happens when the calls become severe and even get to the point whereby they’re unstoppable even if you tell them that you’re in a work meeting?
If they’re not amenable to your schedule and your request of texting before calling, drop them… like hot potato! My Ladyboy Date is filled with so many eligible single people who are genuinely looking for love.
Escape this obsessive date today and find someone who’s just right!