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Little Sweet Gestures Ladyboys Love

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
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Many people give too much emphasis on the grand gestures of love. But they often miss the mark of how sweet gestures are just as important. When it comes to building lasting relationships, consistency is more important than a night of being serenaded by an orchestra by the bay in front of hundreds of people and whatnot.

So if you want to keep the relationship that you have with someone you truly fancy, don’t miss a step. Added to that, if you’re in a long-distance relationship, you’ll find these tips extra helpful.

Sweet Morning, Afternoon, and Night Greetings

This may feel evoke a yawn in you and may give you that been there done that existential crisis. But yes, this is one of the top things that you should be doing most especially if you’re in an LDR.

Individual sitting by the water, holding a phone and dressed casually, with focus on the smartphone.
A quiet moment outdoors with a smartphone. –

You see, when you’re away from someone, unnecessary thoughts pile up. These may range from you, sleeping on another ladyboy’s bed, you being in danger, and you don’t give a flying F anymore.

Don’t give your ladyboy girlfriend the wrong impression by missing these simple greetings. Seriously, it doesn’t take more than ten seconds to send a greeting as such. Add some emoji while you’re at it to make it extra special.

Romantic Voice Note

There’s something about a sweet voice note that instantaneously catapults it to the sweetest little gestures. When you hear a voice note instead of a text message, it feels more intimate. The senses are heightened because it’s not as mundane as reading a block or line of text.

You can personalize it even more if you sing lullabies or serenade her. Moreover, if she’s feeling lonely, she can replay your voice note over and over again to ease her feelings of missing you. There’s a reason as to why calls yield more sales than e-mails. Voice is the second closest thing to touch.

Daily Selfie

Some of you, especially introverts, may feel like doing so will make it seem like you’re narcissistic. But this doubt is so out of touch and is far from reality. When a ladyboy likes you, she’s going to like everything that she can get from you and vice versa.

Man taking a selfie in a forested area, wearing a green shirt and plaid overshirt.
Capturing moments in nature. –

When a person is in love with somebody, they tend to revere the one they love. So much so that everything that the other does or says become instantaneously monumental even if in reality, they’re not. For example, if you’re dating someone and they paint three dots, you will overestimate their talent like they’re the next Michael Angelo.

Asking How She Is

The reason why people get into a relationship is that they want to feel like somebody loves and cares for them, excluding, of course, the masochists who enjoy unrequited love. Going back to the topic, yes, a simple question about how her day has been or how she’s doing will score you a lot of points.

You’ll probably hear her say the same thing such as she’s okay and fine. Don’t wait for something monumental and don’t get tired of it. It’s just like being British and greeting people How do you do even if you don’t really mean it as a question. Suffice to say, it’s not what your question is but it’s more of your effort in ensuring her welfare’s good.

Telling Her She’s Pretty

Of course, you wouldn’t be in a relationship or be dating her if you don’t find her pretty. So what’s the hold up of you, being generous with a compliment like this? Moreover, if she’s showing you photos of herself, even if the photo shows her freshly awoken state, compliment her.

Young woman wearing headphones, looking at her phone while holding a notebook, standing outdoors in a park.
A peaceful study break in nature. –

Now, you must NEVER forget to do this if she sends you a selfie of being all made up. Nothing hurts as much as being unappreciated when you’ve put in so much effort most especially if it’s by someone you love.

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Remembering Special Dates

This may spark an argument because, in reality, most men are not good at this. But who’s to say that you’re most men? The mere fact that you’re reading this is already telling that you’re not. You wouldn’t be spending your time reading this long if you’re not serious about making the ladyboy of your dreams happy.

So yes, this doesn’t have to be complicated. Don’t be daunted. Her birthday and your anniversary are enough dates to remember. You can extend this to her pet and parents if you want to gain extra points.

Sending Gifts

Before you get to thinking that you’re being brainwashed to be a sugar daddy, keep reading. No, they don’t have to be in the form of allowances or expensive gifts but sending her something nice on special days or days when she’s not feeling extra happy are sweet little gestures.

Hands holding a small gift box wrapped with a cream-colored ribbon, presented on a soft, beige background.
The joy of giving. –

Maybe flowers? Perhaps, a box of chocolates. Either way, you’re going to make her very happy.

Introducing Her To Your Circle

A lot of transgender women are ostracized by society. This is why being introduced to one’s circle, even if it’s not a hard thing to do, is highly impactful. Take her out to dinner with your best friend or perhaps, introduce her to your parents through a video call if you’re in a long-distance relationship.

But of course, only do this if you’re really serious about her. Don’t give people false hopes. Karma is digital.

Complimenting Her Great Qualities

Maybe it’s her wit or maybe it’s her sense of humor. Ladyboys have a lot of great qualities. They don’t just start and end with what’s between their legs or what’s behind them. Ladyboys are unique human beings and a lot of them are great at what they do.

Woman with long dark hair in a teal shirt, looking down at her phone with a happy expression.
Smiling at what’s on the screen. –

For example, if she works as an influencer, tell her how great her storytelling is in her latest video. If she works in a call center company, tell her how spotless her accent is. Does she work as a makeup artist? Compliment her latest work. It’s not that hard.

Making Her Feel Secure

Now, for something that may seem little but is actually needed in a serious relationship, make her feel secure. How do you go about it? Simple. Use words of reassurance and affirmation. For example, tell her that she’s the one.

Use the old line “You’re the only girl in the world”. Of course, don’t say these things if you don’t mean them. Added to that, don’t do things that would make her feel insecure such as complimenting other ladyboys or liking photos of seductive ladyboys online. No, don’t try to gaslight her that you’re just appreciating the beauty of others. That ship has sailed.

Did you enjoy these tips? If so, don’t forget to share this guide on your timeline. And if you want to add more, feel free to join the conversation by writing a comment below. Good luck!

Posted in Love & relationships
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About the author

Amanda Valentine Dela Cruz
Amanda Valentine has been a writer for My Ladyboy Date for over 10 years. She writes various topics on trans dating and other trans-related content. Her personal experiences as a transgender woman have given her a unique point of view on trans topics. She has written 5 books on trans women’s relationships and has made it on Amazon’s best-seller list. Her book “Dating Transgender Women for Gentlemen” reached #3 on the Transgender Studies category on Amazon. Her love for writing started when she won a poetry contest in 4th grade which made her pursue a career in literature.

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