The sad reality behind online dating for transwomen (video)
As a dating site for ladyboys (and advocates as well), we are pretty much critical about the industry of online dating for transwomen.
Online dating is awesome. Nowadays, everybody dates online! Literally breaking the constraints of space and time, it gives you the opportunity to meet people that you would never meet otherwise. And for transgenders, that’s even more important, because you don’t meet men who like transgenders at every corner of the street (and you don’t meet transgenders at every corner of the street either). There are bars and clubs yeah, but some don’t take part of it, and it’s still very very limited. So, online it is!
And however, online dating for transgenders is quite broken.
Conflict of Interest
Put simply, there is a conflict of interest for companies who run dating sites for transgenders. The market is too small for serious companies to make a quality dating site. But it’s big enough for some to squeeze the maximum money out of it. And what’s the best way to make money on the back of transsexuals? You got it, present them like objects of fantasy and easy h*ok ups. Show naked skin, advertise esc*rt services and have a p*rn video section. All of these are unfortunately very common to dating sites for transgenders.
And if they are not run for profit, they are run by passionate fellow transwomen. They are advocates, they have the best intentions and values, but unfortunately they lack of resources to make a quality dating site like big companies would do (match.com, okcupid, etc…).
Negative Consequences
There are negative consequences to this. Individually, these websites are not evil. They are just websites. But if you look at the bigger picture, they have a real bad impact on the whole trans community. You see, people tend to believe what they read online. We are all like this. We look up a topic on google, we look at the first page of results, and we usually think we have a good overview of the topic already. Well, most of the time when you look up keywords related to transsexuals on google, you need to go deep in the search results to find a website which is not related to pr*stitution or s*x films. The overall image of trans people is literally tarnished because of this.
As a consequence, some transgenders don’t even want to take part of it, because they find it indecent. And we agree! The others just have to put up with it, because there is no other alternative after all.
Men dating ladyboys
The same goes for men. Men feel ashamed joining a dating site that looks p*rnish, but they have no choice. And if they are not ashamed, presenting transsexuals as such is leading them to have the wrong preconceived idea that transwomen are easy girls only good for being in bed with, and don’t pay the respect which is due to them.
This is roughly the sad reality behind online dating for transwomen. (more on how the media and the Internet are spreading misconceptions about transsexuals, in a next video!)
Why My Ladyboy Date?
Well, at MyLadyboyDate, we believe we can make a change. Or at least, we can initiate the movement. Because that’s only by providing decent and quality services to transgenders (whether it’s dating or something else), that we will contribute to a better image to the public, and a better image is a better acceptance.
MyLadyboyDate.com is focused on building bridges between men and transwomen, it’s decent, and it’s run professionally. IIf the general public has quality dating sites (match.com, okcupid, eharmony, tec…) then why not transwomen?
Yes, if we are to fight for equal rights for transgenders, at MyLadyboyDate, we advocate and we believe in the right to have a decent dating site.
This an important matter for us, because we believe that transgenders have the right to love and be loved.
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