Transgender dating tips for the non-first timers…
And so what if you thought you found “The One” but failed? You can always go back to dating again anyway. Whether you admit it or not, we’re all stubborn people and we always give one-good-thing-turned-out-bad another try. As they say, we should always give Love a chance.
So to help you out, here are some inputs I would like to share to those Men and Trans women alike who never give up on Love:
Be honest the next time
Most of these good relationships end because of lies gone wild. If you lie the first time, make sure your partner doesn’t go sniffing under your closets and know about it. Or better yet, DO NOT LIE!
Do not do the rebound
If it ain’t over, then it ain’t over! Do not make dating an excuse to forget the old love songs. Do not drag someone else into your misery just because you couldn’t move on. Deal with it!
Deal with your issues
The seemingly never ending dilemma of a person who couldn’t keep up with all the drama is pointless. You got to face your fears, hurts, and scepticism, well sadly, all together at this point. If you want to “see” through a possible honest and loving relationship the next time, let go of your pains and heartaches. Burry them somewhere you wouldn’t go looking for it again. Goodluck!
Keep your hands off someone else’s pants
If you’re trying to get to know a possible good catch, please, please, please be a little discrete in your desires. Whatever that is! It’s a turn-off if your date is a complete jack*ss the first time. The beginning of a date is always about complimenting him/her. Not suggesting a “bed time” story!
This time around – Ask the right questions
Have you ever wondered why people don’t get back to you when you email them? If not that you’re not too interesting (sorry), you may have asked the wrong questions. I suggest that you start with the question – “How’s your day?” or “What are your hobbies?” or maybe a statement like “You seem very pleasant, I would love to get to know you better!” and NOT, “Hey! You look very attractive. You’re HOT!” or “I’m a married man, are you open to a fling?” and most especially NOT, “What do you do for a living? How much do you earn?” at least not on the first encounter. You might as well tell them you’re paid by the hour to date if that’s the case.
Make your profile more interesting
People, this is the easiest I think! I understand that most of you do not like sharing stuffs publicly but the site is not asking for your Bank Account’s number or your Social Security number. You can always start with a little introduction and maybe some interests and what makes you interesting as a person. Then write something about the person that interests you. And of course, put up an interesting photo of yourself and not of your pet or a random photo from someone else’s portfolio. Easy! Don’t just leave it blank!
Keep it real and sincere
If you find the person that you may like, be brave and tell him/her. Don’t wait for a sign and/or a meteor shower as a go signal. Who knows, he/she might just feel the same way towards you. If it turns out the other way around, then at least you can finally move along not wishing “what if’s” from not expressing your heart’s desire. Cheesy stuff!
Alright men and ladyboys! There goes seven of the best advices I can give y’all to keep it going. But remember, these are guides to a better dating atmosphere with a Ladyboy coming from a Transwoman like myself and not to guarantee you a happy ending. You create your own ending. I am pretty sure a lot of the boys and girls on here can relate to some scenarios above and they just can’t wait to lay their hands on one another. Seriously, it’s all about making an impression that doesn’t only last but a story that one will want to tell forever. [Wink]
But then, in the last paragraph you made it clear that your interest is in making it a "better atmosphere for dating with a Ladyboy", and not for a "better atmosphere ALSO for dating with a MAN".
Because so very often, it's the transgender who screws it up. There are literally dozens of common things many transgenders do wrong, ALL the time. In their photos, in their profiles, in their actions, in their speech.
If you're interested.