Histórias de casais

Lisa & Alain

“And in April 2017, we decided to get married at 25th november 2017. We invited Maki and Cyril with a lot of pleasure. We plan to live together in France.”

Diane & Jamie

“I just wanna thank your site for introducing me to the love of my life. I'm in a relationship right now with such an amazing man that I met here. Online dating really exists.”

Kheycee & John

“While it's true that online dating is not for everybody, let me foremostly extend my gratitude and say hurray! to Myladyboydate.com for laying down an avenue for two sincere souls to find their ways to find each other, irrespective of geographical location, time differences, race and social stratum one belongs to.”

Gabrielle & Rex

“We are in a 1 year relationship now and we're still doing very well to make our relationship lasts long, without this site we couldn't have met each other, this dating site is very genuine helping the ladies and gents to find their better half.”

Frederic & Gabiara

“I am sure I have found through your website the right person her name is Giabara. Your website is fantastic and will recommend it to everybody”

Conte-nos a sua história

Adoramos ouvir a sua história! Para nós, não existe nada mais recompensador do que ler as suas histórias de sucesso.

É a prova viva de que o amor realmente não conhece nenhum gênero. E é tão inspirador para os solteiros.

Conte-nos a sua história

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